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Verbal Attacks During Last Nights City Council Meeting


Name-calling and shouting between Mayor and Councilman happened during last night’s Sioux City City Council meeting. The two men in the name-calling battle were Mayor Robert Scott and Councilman Harlan Wolfe. The meeting was about a new mall being built in downtown Sioux City.

The mayor was in favor of the mall and during his speech to promote the idea, Wolfe interrupted and said loudly “Mayor, If you didn’t do your homework in school any better than you’ve done it now, it’s a wonder you got past the second grade.” Now this was just the start of the verbal battle between these two men. The mayor fired back and called Wolfe “vindictive and obstructionist.” Wolfe had plenty more to say about the mayor when he called him a “sucker for the hucksters who want to make a fast buck at the public’s expense.” After these words from Wolfe the mayor vowed to “work overtime” in the next election to make sure Wolfe got voted out of office.

The shouting fest became out of hand and the meeting was adjourned and the motion was passed. On the way out the mayor and Wolfe were still arguing.

About Shane

I come from Ghent Minnesota. I love tuna casserole and enjoy playing video games. I made a sweet trampoline dunk video. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=P9Ag1E2Ym4Q. There is the link
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