No lonely planet after all?

Scientists at UCLA discovered that earth-like planets might be more common in the universe than we think.

In a NASA funded study at UCLA, a team of astrophysicists and geochemists are using telescope pictures of burned-out stars, called “white dwarfs” to look for rocks that could stem from planets similar to earth in their periphery. The gravitational pull of those “white dwarfs” which are up to 665 light-years away from earth, swallows up asteroids and fragments of rocky planets that cross their path. The scientists observe the elements in the “white dwarf” stars to find out if these rocky structures are similar to the rocks on Earth or Mars.

“The rocks are Earth-like and Mars-like in terms of their oxidized iron. We’re finding that rocks are rocks everywhere, with very similar geophysics and geochemistry” explains Alexandra Doyle, who leads the team of scientists. The oxidation of the rocks can mean that the composition of those planets is similar to Earth and that they could potentially support life.

This discovery proves that there could be many more rocky planets like the Earth in other solar systems and that the likelihood of finding one just rose immensely.


2 thoughts on “No lonely planet after all?”

  1. When you listen, you can here that the reader is getting winded on some of your sentences. SHORTER. Also, shorter paragraphs. They are a cue for the reader to pause, at least a fraction of a second.

    Also, if I had not been following along in the text, I would not have realized the third graf was quote. Need to get the attribution first.

  2. The lead is fine, Nik. The idea of the “real” lea is also OK, but all of your sentences run long. It may seem choppy, but cut them back and you will probably find they sound fine when read aloud.

    Just think how you talk to people in real life. Do you use lots of long sentences, or mostly short ones?

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