News Comment #5

NBC’s popular series “To Catch a Predator” gives Americans a dose of investigation while Chris Hansen hunts for internet predators. This show focuses on a single city and seeks out a gotcha moment in order to catch those doing wrong. In recent years, the show has taken a turn and is now a youtube channel called Dads Against Predators, also known as DAP INC. This channel has 98,000 subscribers and over 140 videos. Their channel has caught more than 133 alleged predators. The dynamic father duo poses as teens and tweens online in order to meet up publicly with these predators.

This channel has become dark and has likely been responsible for three suicides in just a year and a half. These dads work alone without a connection with local authorities. A few situations have arose that those that have been caught have stated that they would rather this not happen and let the predators receive help on their own or prove to them that they are already seeking help.