Letter to shareholders

Target has substantial growth prior to covid and continued to shock the world when their growth was still growing during the pandemic. Target’s CEO Brain Cornell says, “I’ll say that no one understands better than our team how much potential is in front of us. When I reflect on how we’ve pulled together through adversity, and how we’re more tightly connected than ever through our culture, I can’t think of a team that is better suited to take care of our guests and communities”.

Now obviously target has battled through not only all the adversities but than Covid-19 came and took the world by storm like we were standing still. Target now had to face that and still managed to take the public in and make them feel normal. “In 2021, we grew comparable sales by12.7%, on top of record growth in 2020.” Target managed to grow more during covid than all of 2020 so far and that was simply because of the fact that, “Virtually all of that growth was driven by traffic gains, which means that week after week, more guests keep turning to Target.”

Now, obviously you cannot have this much growth without a team who actually does care, Chairman Brian Cornell says, “In the simplest terms, we’ll keep growing because we’ve invested in the team, strategy and capabilities to do what’s at the very heart of our company culture: take care of the millions of families who comprise our team and guests, communities, partners and shareholders.” Brian knows that Target will remain one of the biggest corporations because of the simple fact that his employees care about the future of the company and care about the public, so people will continue to choose target over any other store in the country.

Interview prompt

A Negative Classroom Experience-

On Tuesday September 27th I got the privilege to interview Ben Steffens about a negative classroom experience. He did not have too many but when he was in class last year being his junior year when, “he thought there was a gunshot right next door” but that it turns out “it was some chick who fell through the door”

I had a good chuckle on this because he said the chick fell through the door. Afterwards he got informed that “her whole backpack was covered in blood and she had to go get 28 stitches”. That shocked me because I couldn’t imagine just walking and falling through a glass door and getting so severely injured.

Just an everyday walk from class could turn into your next nightmare.

Shattered Commercial Glass Door Stock Photo - Alamy

News Comment 4

A former Minneapolis officer is sentenced to 3 years for aiding George Floyd’s death

“MINNEAPOLIS- A former Minneapolis police officer who pleaded guilty to a state charge of aiding and abetting second-degree manslaughter in the killing of George Floyd was sentenced Wednesday to three years.” Npr.org dove deeper into the George Floyds 2nd degree manslaughter and really brought to light what exactly happened. This news article did a very good Job at explaining the news without losing me due to being bored. I was actually very intrigued while reading this because I just couldn’t believe this is still being investigated when it happened 2 years ago, I thought the news site did a very good job bringing it back up and reiterating what happened because I was a little dusty on what happened. The news did a very good job at making the public all reach an anonymous decision in not liking this guy and he defiantly needed to be thrown in jail.

Scavenger Hunt

This morning I had the opportunity to meet with a couple new faces at Morningside University to ask them a quote, what their weekend plans were, and to grab an autograph and a photo.

The first person I talked to was a very nice young lady and her name was liz and her quote was to “get more sleep” and their weekend plan was to sleep. Alex stated she was very exited for Christmas as well because Christmas is her favorite holiday of the year and she just could not wait. When I first asked Liz if I could interview her she responded to me with “Give me all the questions” she was actually very exited for me to interview her because she said she was bored and needed to talk to someone.

The second person I had the pleasure of speaking with was a nice man from Denmark and his name was Eli and his quote was “Go out and get blasted” and their weekend plan was to get hammered. When I asked Eli to interview him he was very exited about it as well. He said “I love getting interviewed do I get a gift card or anything?” To which I responded no with a laugh but he did not care we laughed about it and started the interview.

I asked for both of their autographs to which they agreed and even made jokes with me as they were giving it to me. These two people were very nice and I am glad I ran into them to conduct my scavenger hunt because they were just so nice. These two people that I had only just met were very very nice and I am so glad I got the pleasure of meeting them. Interviewing them was fun and who knows I may now have 2 new friends.

Our selfie before the interview was over.

The Big Changes in Children’s Curriculum

One of the big topics I am going to talk about is the Gender identity lessons some schools are trying to teach students. In today’s world they are trying to teach that there are more than 2 genders and trying to feed this to the young children in preschool who have yet to learn about what gender even is. Washington post says, “Seven states now require that curriculums include LGBTQ topics. The National Sex Education Standards, developed by experts and advocacy groups, name gender identity as one of seven essential topics, alongside puberty, consent, sexual orientation, and other subjects. And the federal government recommends that schools include gender identity in their sex education programs.” Many families and homes are outraged at the fact that their son/daughter has to learn about something that relates to them in no way shape or form. Fox News held and interview with several families and this was said by Fox News, “Parents need to protect their kids from this assault,” said Andrea Lafferty, president of Traditional Values Coalition. “Who could imagine that we are in this place today – but we are.”

Although many families are outraged at this fact that these things have to be taught by so many schools there are also families who believe it is a good thing to learn this in school. Business insider says, “Majorities of parents support classroom instruction about gender identity or sexual orientation in K-12 public schools, but only about a third say it should be encouraged, according to a new poll shared first with Insider. Parents of younger children were more resistant to such instruction, with 35% opposing it in elementary schools compared to 25% in middle and high schools, the National Parents Union survey of 1,000 parents of K-12 public school students found. Nearly a third said it should be “allowed, but not encouraged” in middle and high schools compared to 27% in elementary school.”

Even though many families believe it is wrong some families think there is not enough lessons teaching about it so what do you think about it? Should it be taught in schools or should it not?

Lead Writing

Plane Crash

When a returning flight Thursday night from New York City was taking off the plane has crashed at Kennedy International Airport. There was a confirmed total of forty-five passengers aboard including crew members. Five of the Forty-five people aboard were killed in the crash and several were injured. Two professors from Backwater State University were in the crash and remain unscathed, the people have yet to hear their response to what has occurred on Kennedy International Airport.

Curriculum Changes

Blackwater State Universities president David French has announced changes in the graduation requirements. French’s new changes are as follows: Students entering next fall (2023) must take one math, computer science, and foreign language course. French states, “We feel that these new course requirements will allow us to turn out better–educated persons.”


Cathy Wensen a 22–year–old senior homecoming queen, cheerleader and straight–A student was arrested for driving under the influence of alcohol, third time in six months, last night. Cathy is daughter of locally prominent attorney Jim Wensen, 211 Green Grove Drive and her mother Sharon Wensen lives in Ontario, Canada. Cathy was going to go to Vanderbilt University for graduate study in biology but will this arrest change her options?

Brandyn Clair Next Big Name Rapper

Mass Communications Major

Sac City Iowa

21 Years Young

BIG Rap Guy

Aspiring Rapper

Big Lyricist

Brandyn Clair is the biggest rapper on the come up. He’s been uploading his music to apple music and Spotify and he is growing on a rapid rate. This Sac Sioux City 21 year old is one of the best lyricists I have ever heard, his word pronunciation is absolutely insane and his music really hypes me up. Brandyn makes his own lyrics and his own beats so, when he gets big very soon he will be making really good money as he does everything himself.

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