News Review #2

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The story I picked out for this week involves the Humane Society of the Black Hills. Problems at this establishment started over a year ago, and the RCJ has continuted to keep the people of Rapid City updated with what has been going on there. The article briefly reviews the problems they had been having and then discusses the steps the Humane Society and the board of directors plan on taking to solve the problems. At the bottom of the article it had a date by date calendar of events and changes that have taken place and I think this was a very good addition for the readers.

1 Comment

  1.   fuglsang Said:

    on September 18, 2009 at 2:50 pm

    What have the problems been, Meghanne? And why this story now? Did something new happen, or is it an anniversary type story?

    Provide a link.

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