Article 3

Why do we dream?

Dreams are a part of everyone’s life no matter how old you are. Everyone has once had a dream and it can be on the spectrum of an island of desserts or a scary monster following you. As Psychology Today said, “

This is showing that your mind is constantly working and creates different mental pictures in your life where you can see experiences that you do/don’t want to forget.

In recent news on Morningside basketball. The NAIA has issued a protocol stating that they will not charge fall and winter student-athletes a year of competition.

This happened when the NAIA Council of Presidents Committee met and voted not to charge athletes a year of eligibility for the fall and winter. The decision was made off of the survey throughout the conferences. Remarkably out of 19 conferences 12 of them agreed with this protocol. COVID continues to have a big impact on the NAIA, but doing this is giving the athletes a chance to persevere through a season with a lot of ups and downs.

Morningside Basketball player, TJ Schnurr said, “I feel this is great news to those who could lose out on games this year. It needed to be fixed and the committee answered their prayers.” TJ is among many players celebrating this recent news so is many seniors who were scared their season had the possibility of being taken away due to COVID.

Now for national news, the election has taken everyone in the nation by storm.

The 2020 election has been quite a wild one due to previous events. The winner who has not been picked due to the counting still going on has people on the edge of their seats. At the moment Joe Biden is the leader with 253 electoral college votes, but President Donald Trump has a chance to make a run for it if Arizona makes a flip in candidates.

Zach Martinek who is a Morningside Sophmore and a political expert said, “As looking at the election right of now looks like a lot of fraud is going on. I don’t want to add any more to its discussion until the election is over.” This debate is definitely going to be one to remember.

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