Coach Jacob Stevenson is a white man in his early 40’s at an above-average height at about 6′ 6″ and has a fit build. He is brimming with self-confidence and always holds his head high. When he speaks, he speaks loudly and clearly and never second-guesses himself. he has dark, short hair (around an inch long) with a cowlick in the front and I would describe it as “salt, and pepper”. He has a long face and a distinct jawline.

We talked this morning at the HPER Center. about muscle recovery and what I could be doing to better loosen up the tendons in my leg for a speedy recovery. He told me to apply icy hot throughout the day and to heat my leg before practices. He also brought in a muscle massager to break up and lactic acid that had built up.

We also talked about the upcoming assignments that I have due in my classes for next week and he asked me to send him a news assignment that I had done a few days back.

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