
Doing this assignment I was doing the observation in the lobby of the Plex, one of the three residential halls on campus here at morningside. The plex wasn’t that busy with people so I decided to go to bucks where it’s a little more active. Bucks is an alternative to the cafe which is downstairs in the olsen building next to the bookstore. Students can come here to do their homework, but in my personal opinion the food is way better than the cafe food that is upstairs. Listening to people’s conversations around I heard people talking about many different subjects. A group of females were talking about how the school was going to shut down sooner than later and the cases are going up around campus, because she had friends who are in quarentine. One group of soccer players who I just met were talking about the LA Lakers vs the  Houston Rockets game,and how the rockets were going to come back. I had to intrude the conversation and say the Lakers are going to win of course. His response was “ I’m a rockets fan bro, so i have to act like they are going to beat them at least.” Since Isaac is from the UK I had asked him to pronounce the word nike which was a different pronunciation than what we would call it.

One Reply to “observation”

  1. So, how do Brits pronounce Ni-Key?

    OK on objective detail, Jalen. Don’t forget about sensory detail. In the Grill there should also be smells.

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