Media Comment #8

Josh Brown is a kicker for the New York Giants and he being placed on the the NFL commissioner’s exempt list. If you are put on the exempt list, the commissioner has three weeks to make a final decision if Brown will ever play in the NFL again. Brown openly admitted to his team and to the police he has beat his wife in the past. My first reaction to this article, is wow, the man on a football team who does absolutely no hitting is the one actually hitting his wife, and that is just mind blowing to me. Also I have a very unpopular opinion on the whole off the field situations. People hate this players for what they do off the field, but that is not why they are in the organization, they are there because of their talents, and to not give them a second chance is ridiculous to me. Everybody deserves a second chance and I even believe Ray Rice does. If Ray Rice’s finance still married him after the situation, then I think the NFL can forgive him to. Same goes to Josh Brown, I understand what he did was wrong, but he has admittedly, served his time, now let him play football. Overall I thought the article was good and it can hit a lot of people in a lot of different ways, so its good. I even think, not sports fan will find interest in this article and it relates to the class with what we have done lately with written stories and video stories.

One thought on “Media Comment #8

  1. fuglsang

    Proofread, Hunter.
    Dave could speak to this issue better than I, because it is all about public relations. The Ravens stuck with Ray Lewis partly because he was [supposedly] a great player, and partly because no one could prove him guilty. But with guys like Rice and Brown, who have been proven guilty, they are a drag on the team. The media focus on them to the degree other news will be buried. They reflect badly on other players. More importantly, they reflect badly on the league at a time when the NFL is trying to get more women into the stands.

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