Liberal Arts

Liberal Arts: The act of learning a wide variety of information in a wide variety of subjects in order to benefit oneself in their personal life, career, schooling, and all other aspects of one’s life.

I have always felt that I was a very well rounded person. I was in the most advanced classes in my high school and did well in them. I played multiple sports and excelled. I was a main leader in the theatre and all my choir groups. So, how will liberal arts affect what I do while I am at Morningside? How will they affect what I do after I graduate? I haven’t even the slightest idea. And neither does anyone else. No one can tell the future and no one should ever try. All I plan on doing is continuing to pursue my personal goals with an open mind to whatever may come my way! That’s all I feel like I can do.

2 Comments so far

  1.   Brooke Nerud on August 29th, 2011

    I thought you had a great definition. I’ll be honest I was quite shocked with your response to how you think a liberal arts education will help you. By no means do I think you are wrong, but i never looked at it through that perspective. It’s also great that you are proud of what you have accomplished and I hope you continue with your goals and achievements.

  2.   Dakota on August 29th, 2011

    I know how hard you’ve worked in high school, and i believe that it is a true statement about you being a well rounded individual, if you keep pursuing your goals the way you are you will have no trouble reaching them!