News Comment #3

10 09 2015

The article  found interesting these week is showing released emails from the WhiteHouse on 9/11/01. New York Times has tried getting there hands on all the emails using the open-records requests, however the Bush Library would only release parts of some emails due to national security. I think is news worth because it hits the human interest. Many people would be interested in this article because it talks about the personal messages that White House employee’s received throughout the day and how the mood of the day dramatically changed. This article was interesting to me for those exact reasons. I thought it would be interesting to read some of the emails that were sent out between White House employees and their families.



2 responses to “News Comment #3”

10 09 2015
  fuglsang (14:50:41) :

Without a link to the story, I’m not sure how to read the comment, Alyssa. I can’t imagine the library would release, or even have access to, private emails. Government-related, sure, but not those between officials and their families.

I found a story related to White House emails from 9/11. Those would make for an interesting HI story, but, again, I don’t know how they would have been archived.

15 09 2015

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