News Comment #2

3 09 2015

The news article that caught my eye the most this week is the article about the Kentucky clerk that refused to hand out marriage license to homosexual couples. To me, the clerk was out of line and disobeying the law just because it did not line up with her personal belief. Looking at this situation from a more extreme example, like say not paying your taxes. I could personally not believe in taxes and not pay them, but that is illegal and I will be arrested for that, whether or not I am a government official. When working as an government official, personal beliefs need to be set aside especially if it gets in the way of completing your job.



One response to “News Comment #2”

7 09 2015
  fuglsang (19:51:28) :

Kim Davis is a good topic for a news comment, Alyssa, but comment on the news story rather than on the events themselves. Why is Davis news? What are the news values? How does the story catch your interest.

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