Zach Olsons Blog

Descriptive assignment: what is it

October 19, 2021 · 1 Comment

Yesterday I went shopping and I’ll tell you all what the new thing I purchased.

The thing I purchased yesterday was a play station 5 from best buy for around 500 dollars. It is a big white and black console that is a rectangle shape, weighs about 10 pounds, and if you put it up vertical it stands up about halfway up your leg.

A Playstation 5 is a gaming console that you hook it up to your monitor or your tv, but you can do much more on it then just play video games. It also has streaming stuff on it like, netflix, hulu, youtube, disney + and many more streaming places.

The playstation 5 is the newest thing to come to the internet world and the gaming world that allows us to do so much more on a gaming console then we ever had before. More and more people will start to invest more in playstation in the near future.

Categories: Uncategorized

1 response so far ↓

  •   fuglsang // Oct 20th 2021 at 7:58 pm

    With something like this, you could do a lot with the idea it is a luxury item. $500 is a good chunk of money. What does it mean to spend that, Zach? Did it feel good? Or maybe a guilty pleasure? Did you have to save up for a while? What do you get in return? I’m not a gamer, so I’m kind of curious.

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