California Shooting

Just an hour ago CNN released a brief article about the Saugus High School shooting. Today, a 16-year-old sophomore opened fire at Saugus High School in Santa Clarita, California. Two students, ages 16 and 14, were killed and 3 others were wounded. The suspect, reportedly, drew a .45-caliber pistol out of his backpack and began to open fire during passing period. After just a couple of seconds, the shooter then shot himself, and is now in “grave condition” in a local California hospital.

This article was very easy to follow, but I do not believe it was set up well. It gave a brief explanation of when, where, and who were involved. However, as today played out, the reporter kept updating the article without deleting past reports. Nevertheless, this article was breaking news, so it is evident that the intended audience was Americans wether it be parents of high school students, teachers, the government, etc.

1 Comment

  1. fuglsang

    Updates and changing info is one thing internet reporters do have to deal with. The importance of being first means that initial reports may be proven wrong (as happened in this story).

    Keeping all the various reports does seem to be an honest way to cover the story. Readers can see in real time how the story developed.

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