Category Archives: Class Work

Chloe K. Anecdote

Chloe Krommendyk would describe herself as moody. Her roommates never know if they can or should talk to her because her mood is unpredictable. She said her roommates have to test the waters and if she’s in a good mood then they can continue on with the conversation but if she looks grumpy or moody, they usually just steer clear of her.

Her roommates are getting really good at reading her and now know whether it’s okay to approach her or avoid her completely. Krommendyk said “I am either really happy or really pissed off and there is no in between.”

Covid Interview

Tyler Godown, a Junior at Morningside College, doesn’t really pay attention to Covid on campus. He said “If they’re going to cancel school, it’s not like we have a say in that.” He wishes masks weren’t required at events because he works volleyball games and its frustrating when his glasses get all fogged up.

Godown is also understanding and gives administration some leeway because we are in uncharted territory and no one really knows what to do. He thinks that the administration can’t share too much information because then it would just be chaotic. He also thinks they are probably in some money trouble because of going online last semester and there has definitely been some backlash.

Godown is from Las Vegas so classes going online would be bad news for him. He would have to find a way back home amidst all the rules and regulations.

Lead Example #4

Gas floods sewer lines for two blocks around 48th Street and Correctionville Road after a Texaco gasoline truck was overturned.

The problem will only be a serious issue for two hours until the gas gets flushed away.

Gas is also on streets and ditches, so cars are being rerouted through side streets.

Four families evacuated because of sewer-line gas.

Fire Chief Charles Hochandel says: “The firemen followed catastrophe and hazmat procedures set up beforehand for just such an occurrence.”

Lead Example #3

Firefighter breaks his leg after falling from a tree while trying to rescue a cat at 102 11th Ave.  

Firefighter Bob Harwood climbed 50 feet up an Oak Tree to rescue a cat. Harwood dropped the last 15 feet when a dead limb broke. Harwood broke his left leg because of the fall.

Harwood is at St. Luke’s Hospital and is doing “just fine.” The cat is also doing fine, Harwood broke its fall.

Lead Example #2

One man is dead and three injured in car crash east of Sioux City on Hwy. 28 yesterday at 11 a.m.

Moyer Quick, 65, a resident of South Iowa City, died in a collision of two cars. Quick’s vehicle was driving collided with a truck driven by Randy Radin, 17, of Swan Lake. The autopsy report shows Moyer had a heart attack which may have caused the accident.

The three survivors included two passengers in Quick’s vechile: his wife Dorothy Quick, 61, and Dorothry Quicks’s sister, Maxine Stuerwald, 43.

Dorothy Quick was reported in “good” condition and has now been released from the hospital. Stuerwald was in “fair” condition and has been scheduled to be released. Radin was listed in “critical” condition with a fractured skull and internal injuries and is still in critical condition.

A South Iowa Highway Patrolman identified that both vehicles were proceeding in a westerly direction on the two-lane highway. Moyer Quick passed the Radin vehicle but his rear-end struck Radin as he completed the pass. The impact sent both vehicles into the ditch on the north side of the road. Quick’s vehicle rolled once. The accident, which is still under investigation, occurred under cloudy skies with rain in the forecast. The road was clear and dry.

Lead Example #1

A ban of hand-held radar guns has been ordered in Sioux City by South Iowa Highway patrol because of concerns that troopers could develop cancer from long-term exposure to the radiation waves emitted by the devices.

The ban was ordered as a precaution while studies are conducted into the possible links between cancer and the use of the guns. The ban affects 70 radar guns that will be withdrawn from service.

Adam smith said “The feeling here is to err on the side of caution until more is known about the issue. The whole situation is under review.”

The move is considered to be the first of its kind by a state police agency. It comes two months after three municipal officers in cedar Rapids filed workman’s compensation claims, saying they developed cancer from using the hand–held units.


Today, I interviewed Emily Rotthaler. Rotthaler is a sophomore at Morningside College. She plays soccer at Morningside which is why she choose to come to school here all the way from Austria. Rotthaler’s major is Mass Communication with a minor in Spanish.

Rotthaler thinks she wants to go into sports journalism after graduation and said “I could end up anywhere in the world, literally.” Rotthaler loves traveling and has been to 12 countries. Her favorite city is London. Rotthaler speaks German, English, French, Spanish and “one sentence in Irish.”

Rotthaler’s favorite food is Schnitzel and her favorite color is blue or turquoise. In her free time she likes trying different sports and going to rock concerts.