The Big Changes in Children’s Curriculum

One of the big topics I am going to talk about is the Gender identity lessons some schools are trying to teach students. In today’s world they are trying to teach that there are more than 2 genders and trying to feed this to the young children in preschool who have yet to learn about what gender even is. Washington post says, “Seven states now require that curriculums include LGBTQ topics. The National Sex Education Standards, developed by experts and advocacy groups, name gender identity as one of seven essential topics, alongside puberty, consent, sexual orientation, and other subjects. And the federal government recommends that schools include gender identity in their sex education programs.” Many families and homes are outraged at the fact that their son/daughter has to learn about something that relates to them in no way shape or form. Fox News held and interview with several families and this was said by Fox News, “Parents need to protect their kids from this assault,” said Andrea Lafferty, president of Traditional Values Coalition. “Who could imagine that we are in this place today – but we are.”

Although many families are outraged at this fact that these things have to be taught by so many schools there are also families who believe it is a good thing to learn this in school. Business insider says, “Majorities of parents support classroom instruction about gender identity or sexual orientation in K-12 public schools, but only about a third say it should be encouraged, according to a new poll shared first with Insider. Parents of younger children were more resistant to such instruction, with 35% opposing it in elementary schools compared to 25% in middle and high schools, the National Parents Union survey of 1,000 parents of K-12 public school students found. Nearly a third said it should be “allowed, but not encouraged” in middle and high schools compared to 27% in elementary school.”

Even though many families believe it is wrong some families think there is not enough lessons teaching about it so what do you think about it? Should it be taught in schools or should it not?

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