News Comment 10/08/2020

I read a report by Fox News about the Michigan supreme court’s decision to lift COVID-19 restrictions due to it infringing on idividual liberties.

They argued it was a severe overreach by a governor and in ways, it was. She was making her own laws without any other approval which is wrong. While I agree with her intentions and they were very good, I don’t know if shutting down he whole state is necessary.

I think there are times under the necessary and proper clause when it is relevant to overreach to protect citizens, but I think she went too far.

I’m not necessarily a fan of Fox or CNN, but I feel fox did a pretty good job explaining why the court made the decision it did.

I’m a huge fan of liberties and I think that’s the most important thing we can protect, but I am conflicted by how situation of COVID has been attacked. I got a perspective I’m not used to, and I think it’s an interesting perspective that I don’t get much.