Pick a Word

When A college professor gave me the assignment to ask The Dylan Hamil to give me a word that describes him he gave me the word “Responsible”.

Dylan Hamil is a Junior here at Morningside University studies Marketing all while participating in the two sports of bowling and volleyball. Mr. Hamil used his sports when he went to give me examples of his responsibleness. He Stated, “While playing my two sports is definitely a great experience, it does come with its negatives. All of the 4 am practices and traveling does make it difficult for me to keep up with my homework.”

Dylan would say that a great example of his responsible nature would be the time that all of his friends went out to (allegedly) drink, he chose to stay inside and finish his homework as Monday would not provide enough time for him to finish it.

He told me “My Audio production home would take him a combined 8 hours to finish and staying inside was definitely worth it.”