Is Trump really unpopular?

November 9, 2019

Everyone knows the hate that President Trump receives, but is it really all that relevant when it comes to the election? In the new polls it has shown that trump may be disliked by 55 percent of America, but a lot of his supporters live in the “swing” states where he can make up a lot of ground is he, once again, does not win the national popular vote. Also, Democrats who do not support Trump are leaning towards voting for him if Warren win the Democratic side because most Democrats believe her views are too strong. A heavy concentration of white, working class people, push the sing states towards the right.

One of the biggest things I noticed about this article was how it did use numbers to support facts but some of it was bias. For example, a quote from the article read, “Trump retains a very strong position, thanks to his support among white voters without a college degree.” The way it is thrown in the article makes it just a little bias because they don’t come out and tell you his voters are uneducated but the author implies it by throwing in the “without a college degree” part. I liked how this article compared Trump to multiple different Republican candidates and backed it up with stats so the reader knows it is reliable information.

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