Thursday, October 4th, 2012...11:38 pm

Two Gators Found with Tails and Head Gone

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In Cape Coral, Fl on October 3rd, two alligators were found dead in a canal by a student walking home from his bus stop. Oddly though they both had no heads or tails attached. Earlier in the week in the same area two smaller gators were found dead as well.

This is newsworthy because it’s not everyday that there are two gators with there heads and tails cut off and a few days before two more were found dead. It is a reminder to the people of Florida and the whole United States that you must have a license to hunt for alligators. If you don’t then you can be fined with a felony.



1 Comment

  • A local story, I would say. I didn’t catch who aired this, but probably a local station, and other affiliates could then pick it up if they wanted. I doubt KTIV used it.