Stuart Scott..

Last night Stuart Scott was presented an award at the ESPYS in front of thousands of people at the Nokia Theatre. The award he received was the Jimmy V. perseverance award due to the fact that he is working and achieving major accomplishments with the V Foundation while also working and broadcasting at ESPN.

Scott is accomplishing all of this while battling a rare form of cancer. Scott’s message to everyone in the audience and everyone watching on television, is that it doesn’t matter who you are, what you do, or what you have, never give up.

Stuart Scott gave an example that just because you die doesn’t mean you lose, “When you die, that does not mean that you lose to cancer. You beat cancer by how you live, why you live and in the manner in which you live.” If you continue to live your life, accomplish whatever you want to accomplish, you don’t lose because you didn’t let cancer stop you from living your life.

Scott explained that the battle is never a lonely battle. Scott is not fighting alone but when you get tired don’t try to do it alone,” And when you get too tired to fight then lay down and rest and let somebody else fight for you.” Let the people around you family, friends, doctors, supporters fight for you while you can’t.

The reason Scott fights is because of his two daughters who he explains are the reason he is still here. Scott brought his youngest daughter up to the stage for a hug bevause he needed it and continued to explain to everyone watching to never give up live, live, live your life.

Media Comparison..

In the written article from the lead is calmer than the ABC news coverage leads. Both leads begin similarly but progress differently. The written lead gets straight to the point while the video lead leads with where this happened. 

Both of the articles are organized well with small but informational paragraphs that explain how the lady used bees to attack deputies trying to evict her. Both articles explain the scene in the beginning and later talk about stuff that isn’t as important. 

The stories do have similar content throughout their articles. Specifically their quotes are almost exactly the same which is expected since they’re telling the same story. Although I would say that APnews had more quotes, I’m not sure how important or needed they were. 

The APnews definitely used attribution after before and after their quotes were used. ABC11 also uses attribution in the same way as APnews by using it before and after their quotes even when there are not direct quotes. 

APnews only provided one picture which was the header of the article that showed the lady being arrested by two officers. ABC11 uses the same picture but also uses a couple others throughout their video with a news anchor using a concerned tone in her voice. 

I found it interesting that the lady was charged with a deadly weapon and assault by using bees to attack the officers to prevent her from being arrested. 

News Article..

High School student goes rogue and shoots 6 people in their neighborhoods.

A junior in high school  was walking through a neighborhood trail when he began opening fire on people who walked by him in his route. The student was carrying a shotgun, handgun, a knife, and a backpack filled with shotgun and assault rifle ammunition. There was no specific target which led to victims being injured in their cars, poarch, bedrooms, and on the streets.

The police found a 16 year old boy who was shot and stabbed in his room and found dead. Two women ages 59 and 52. Only one had survived injuries after being taken to the hospital. A few blocks farther an off duty officer was shot leaving for work and later died in the hospital. 

A fiance two weeks away from her wedding was shot walking her dog and another woman who was a marathon runner was also shot. Both were dead at the scene. Following these deaths police were on a hunt for the suspect and advised neighborhoods to stay in their houses and apartments. They also forced nearby schools to go into lockdown. 

Police then found the suspect at a residence nearby that had two barn-like structures. One officer was shot and she was later released from the hospital. Approximately 23 rounds of fire were shot in a shootout between the victim and police. Later that night officers in tactical gear captured the suspect with injuries. 

The suspect’s family was confused and had no idea their son was capable of doing these things. They felt remorse for all families who were hemmed and scared by their son’s actions.

There has been no connection to the victims other than the fact that they live in the same neighborhood. Which still leaves the investigators and community searching for the reason why the suspect did what they did. The suspect remains hospitalized and in critical condition. He is also unidentified due to the fact that he is a minor. 

Article 2..

A private women’s college, in New York City will begin to offering abortion pills to students starting as early as next year.

Reasoning behind this decision is to insure their students that health and wellness come first. Sian L. Beilock, president of Bernard had this to say, “ I think we’re putting a stake in the ground that we believe that health and wellness is really the institution’s responsibility for students, and we want to do everything we can to support our students.” The action was provoked by the reversal of Roe v Wade. 

According to The New York Times Bernard believes the reversal of Roe v Wade will result negatively in all colleges around the country. For example there will likely be a decrease in college accessibility, decrease graduation rates, and will diminish employment rates. 

Although abortion is accesible in New York City as of now, they are still planning ahead in case of future barriers that will attempt to alter the accessibility of abortions. Massachusetts public schools are now be required to offer abortion pills to students by November 2023. 

CBS stated Bernard is the first to publicly come out and fight for these unprotected rights throughout the country and show how much they care. Women who are denied abortion rights over the 50 years of being illegal are more likely to rely on government programs like food stamps and struggle with finding employment and even end up on welfare. In Idaho they have made it clear they are not allowed to inform students about safe abortions or abortions in general because of the states banning of abortion. 

California was the first to enable the laws of being able to provide college students abortion pills in 2019. Which has led to Massachusetts to do the same. The new laws stipulate action for public and private colleges by January. 

When asking the Morningside University Health and Wellness center head nurse, she was very friendly until the question was asked. After the question of whether or not it was a good idea for Mornungside to begin this themselves her whole mood changed. She went from perky and excited to timid and standoffish. She then asked to leave her office if there wasn’t anything else and that she was no longer comfortable with helping. 

A female student at Morningside named Emily stated, “I would be okay with it because it is more accessible for girls to have, without worrying about getting help or being criticized for their actions and well being.” Emily’s body language changed from timid to more confident when knowing that there were colleges reaching out to students for their well being and providing resources like this to them. 

NBC has stated that lawmakers, in Massachusetts have passed a bill requiring medication abortion readiness plans for students that are due in November 2023. Meaning there will be required plans in tact for students that are pregnant and ready to have the baby by November of next year. 

These new bills and laws are important women across the country due to the fact that there is no longer freedom of abortion in some parts of the United States. Women can now find colleges that are willing to backup and help provide for the well beings of their students even in situations like these. It is also important that colleges and other levels of school continue this push for female students and learn from Massachusetts and California schools and see how much impact they are creating with their new actions. It has only been three years since the beginning of thuis poush and the next three years can be even more drastic. 

Food Sounds..

When grabbing the Twinkie it was extremely crunchy until opening up the package. Once removed from the packaging the breading was a bit moist. But once you begin to chew it tends to make your mouth dry. The Twinkie was a pale pastel yellow and had a vibrant white moist creamy filling. When biting into the Twinkie the vibrant cream would explode into your mouth. The Twinkie is grossly good which makes you wonder what is actually in it.

Article 2 Draft

A private women’s college located in New York City will be beginning to offer abortion pills to students starting as early as next year. Reasoning behind this decision is to insure their students that health and wellness come first. Sian L. Beilock, president of Bernard had this to say, “ I think we’re putting a stake in the ground that we believe that health and wellness is really the institution’s responsibility for students, and we want to do everything we can to support our students.” The action was provoked by the reversal of Roe v Wade. 

According to The New York Times Bernard believes the reversal of Roe v Wade will result negatively in all colleges around the country. For example there will likely be a decrease in college accessibility, decrease graduation rates, and will diminish employment rates. Although abortion is accesible in New York City as of now, they are still planning ahead in case of future barriers that will attempt to alter the accessibility of abortions. Massachusetts public schools are now be required to offer abortion pills to students by November 2023. 

CBS stated Bernard is the first to publicly come out and fight for these unprotected rights throughout the country and show how much they care. Women who are denied abortion rights over the 50 years of being illegal are more likely to rely on government programs like food stamps and struggle with finding employment and even end up on welfare. In Idaho they have made it clear they are not allowed to inform students about safe abortions or abortions in general because of the states banning of abortion. 

Weed is Freed..

President Joe Biden has planned to pardon marijuana charges for thousands convicted.

This Thursday Joe Biden has pardoned thousands of convicted with marijuana charges under federal law. These pardons will clear everyone with simple possession charges starting in 1970. Government officials have determined approximately 6,500 have been arrested from 1992 to 2021. The pardons will not include people convicted of selling or distributing. There are also no longer people serving time in federal prison with only marijauna charges. 

This act of President Biden comes shortly before midterm elections hoping it will help sway the democratic party to vote once again. President Biden feels that it doesn’t make sense to criminalize people in this situation, “Sending people to jail for possessing marijuana has upended too many lives, for conduct that is legal in many states.” Although Biden limited the pardon to make sure we continue to try and control underage drug use and drug trafficking. 

These pardons begin to align themselves with state governments putting them on the same page already eliminating simple marijuana punishments. Minority advocacy groups have been pressuring President Biden to follow up on his commitment to reforming inequities built into the criminal justice system and this is a good start for him. Inimai Chettiar, the federal director of the Justice Action Network said this about the president’s decision, “a really good step” and is looking forward to how Biden evaluates future marijauna crimes. 

Starting Thursday the federal government will stop charging people for single possession charges. Marijuana is legal in about 20 states but there are still plenty that have it considered fully illegal. Studies show that whites and blacks have the same amount of usage but blacks are criminalized three times higher than whites according to A.C.L.U. data from 2010 to 2018. Majority of marijuana arrests fall under the jurisdiction of individual states, but the crime has historically taken accountability for about a third of nationwide drug possession arrests by state and federal officials.

Pastor Nelson Interview

For Class today professor Ross Fuglsang invited a speaker to speak to our class. The guest speaker Fuglsang brought in was Pastor Andy Nelson from Morningside University. Previous to working at Morningside University Pastor Nelson’s wife Jessica Pleuss became a psychology professor while Nelson commuted two hours to work everyday. Once the job opening opened at Morningside Nelson applied and got the job and they have been here since.

Pastor Nelson’s job on campus is to support every student’s type of religion even if you don’t believe at all. Nelson is willing to help in various ways, “Connect to something bigger than you, in a philosophical way, or a religious way.” Pastor Nelson also helps advise student groups related to faith and spirituality. 

Growing up Pastor Nelson would help with church services and often read while being at church in a small Minnesota town called Red Wings. When Nelson got to Luther College in Iowa he then started to think about becoming a pastor and eventually became committed. 

After graduating college Pastor Nelson began his seminary where he then only made it half through before getting burnt out. When asked if he would tell his younger self something about what he knows now he said, “have a gap year after graduating to get a certain type of experience before seminary.” Pastor Nelson returned months later and eventually became a pastor. He now has four kids that range from the ages two to fourteen. 

With Pastor Nelson’s line of work he sometimes has a struggle seeing the difference he’s making day to day. When asked if he could pick another job he didn’t have a specific one in mind. He did have this to say about another job possibility, “Something that you can see that you added to the world by the end of the day.” 

In Pastor Nelson’s eyes faith is the most important thing in his life. Not always being in church or reading the bible. An example he gave us was, “Faith shapes how I see the world, how I see other people, and how I see death and other terms.” With faith he would like to bring the community together at Morningside University how they used to in the olden days. Not necessarily church but festivals, recitals, or conventions.