Most Truthful Photo 3.16

I feel like this is my most truthful photo because me in my everyday life its based off work hard and football. When someone dedicated they whole life to the game of football and never give up on that goal ahead is what this picture can give off to the readers.

Blood, sweat, and tears have been put into the game of football, such as accomplished, step stones, and goals are also put into the game of football.

When you a student athlete or a professional athlete you based your daily life as doing what you got to do to be able feed yourself and your family and get to were you believe you belong. Thats is the highest level of play.

However, everyone has a story to tell and everyone has they own ways of getting to were they want to go. And in this photo I seen a young man that has reached his potential and achieved the little things off a wish list. Now its time for him to complete the task and get to were he belong.

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