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How Jacob Freeman’s College Life Changed During Covid

During Freeman’s time in college, he has experienced both the college life pre-covid and during covid. The biggest thing that he saw from being in college during covid was not being able to be in the classroom. Freeman loves to learn inside the classroom and hates trying to figure out things over zoom. He stated that “online zoom classes suck” because he was not able to get that the same learning experience as he got in the classroom before covid.

As most of the world was skeptical of covid, Freeman was not scared of what covid would do to him if he got it because he tested positive early in the pandemic and his symptoms weren’t anything serious.

One of the bigger things that bothered in about the adjusted schedule for school is that it affected the way he scheduled work and it disrupted his workflow for school. He also missed out on a bunch of sporting events and social interaction which he loves to be a part of but couldn’t since covid took those things away from him. As he progressed through the semester, he thought that “learning is more challenging over zoom and limits your ability to learn hands on” which made a huge impact on how he approached each class.

Overall, Freeman is not a huge fan of how covid affected not just his college life but his whole life a crossed the board.

1 Comment

  1. fuglsang

    Jacob Freeman’s full name on first reference. Freeman after that.

    What if you started with the second graf: Jacob Freeman prefers learning in the classroom. That’ what made his year of COVID so difficult.

    Then the “online zoom classes suck” partial quote. Why not a full quote?

    Bring in the quote you have towards the bottom because it could directly relate to the lead.

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