Alex Pacheco is from the mile-high city, Denver, Colorado.  Is an only child but with 9 siblings total.  Activities in sports and classes at Morningside College in which he is a Senior and majoring in Sports Broadcasting.  Alex follows all the Denver teams except the Broncos.  Choices of music of Alex includes the Dave Mathews Band and any other bands in the 90’s.  ESPN and Sports Center are TV shows that Alex catches an intrest in while The Office sparks a non-sports related show.

2 Responses to “Introducing Alex Pacheco”

  1.   fuglsang Says:

    Good start, Chris
    How can someone be an only child, yet have nine siblings?
    Why not the Broncos? You will hear me talk a lot about
    s-v-o during the semester. It stands for subject-verb-object.
    It’s a model for sentence construction.

  2.   MLevine Says:

    Think before you type and then re-read it to see if it makes sense. We taught you better than this. Grammer was your strong suite. Make us proud.