
Story #2 Reflection

This story was fun to write and was easier to write than the last story I did. The second story I wrote about the Morningside baseball team and how COVID has affected the season last year and this fall. I interviewed past players and current players and got their opinions about everything COVID related. I also interviewed coach Boeve and heard what he had to say. This story was fun to write as I’m on the baseball team and got to hear what other players had to say about the topic.

The part of this assignment that concerned me the most was the interview process. I have interviewed people before but this was my first time using the interview to write a story. My questions had to be relevant to the story but each person I interviewed I wanted to ask different questions. I asked a former player from last year different questions than I asked coach Boeve.

The concern wasn’t really there during the actual writing process. Once I got my interviews figured out and complete, it was super easy to write and use those quotes for the people I interviewed.

One specific revision I made was to include another quote from a player. I originally had three peoples quotes in my story but Ross and I decided I could use more. I interviewed another baseball player and added him in my story.

By adding another person to my story it gave the story a little more depth and reassured the reader how players on the team really felt about COVID.

I put most of my effort into the interviewing part. I interviewed 4 different people who were all related to the baseball team. It took most of my time up and was more of a process than actually writing the story. Each interview took different amounts of time but getting questions answered that related to the story itself was the most difficult thing.

I wish I had spent more time on rearranging my story to flow better. I crammed a little bit with the story overall and I wish I arranged it to please the reader.

I learned how to properly interview and incorporate an interview into a formal writing assignment.

October 20, 2020

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