Tuesday October 04th 2022, 2:17 pm
Filed under: Uncategorized

The library is typically a quiet place, especially on the second floor. There isn’t a lot going on, just people sitting together in groups, or people sitting by themself. People walk through, say hi to each other, but beyond that it is pretty quiet.

That is until two girls decide to sit upstairs by the whiteboard. Immediately their voices are evident before they even sit down. They are talking about a class they must have just had and they did not seem happy. One of the girls says:

“Do you think she knows nobody was listening to her?” 

“No, literally I couldn’t tell you one word that came out of her mouth in the past hour.”

They both let out a small laugh as they sit down. 

The two girls were shortly joined by another and the conversation shifted to the past weekend. One of the girls had taken a trip to Minnesota to a concert. 

You never know what conversation you may overhear when you eavesdrop, and you never know who may be listening to you as you talk. These girls probably had no idea that others in the lower level could hear their conversation.