Media Comparison

I reviewed the story about the School shooting in St. Louis. The story starts with the anchorman giving the information on what happened at the scene. The transition from the anchor man to the man in the filling was very smooth with eh transition.

What I have learned from this is the anchorman gives the lead of the story and baseline information that a person needs to understand the rest of the content that is being displayed. Before the news transition to the report on the scene, the anchorman restates the question that is trying to be answered. The broadcast will periodically stop and give some facts on the screen or show footage from the sight.

In the written article it stays on the same path. The lead is the start of all news articles and there it would have been around if not the same thing the anchorman said. What I see as the major difference in both are the bodies of the information. The news broadcast will give you the bare minimum of the information that there is, on the other hand, the article will have the majority of the information but still lead with the most important in front.

After reviewing both forms of news I consider reading the nws is more beneficial because you are not only getting the baseline facts like you are in the news broadcast. You are getting the details of the situation. Although reading or watching them one you will still get the same information you need.



One thought on “Media Comparison

  1. This is actually a pretty detailed video piece at two minutes. It has most of the details, but seems to focus on how the family did everything possible to stop the shooter, but in the end failed. Lots of soundbites from police and family.

    The print story has less detail, focusing on how Missouri laws were not able to stop the shooter.

    Good observations.

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