the posts of a barely sane college student

Gucci Gummies

Your mission, should you choose to accept it, hand out some high-end fruit snacks to people. 

How hard could that be? Everyone on this campus seems to have a hollow leg and not to particular to free offers of food. Plus, these fruit snacks weren’t the stereotypical Scooby-Doo ones that you picked up from WalMart. These were the Auntie Anne’s organic fruit snacks, which means they probably do some good for your innards and might be more tempting. 

My plan was just to put a sign outside of the Collegian Reporter room and heckle anyone that passed by that I knew with the offer to take one. Once I set up my sign, all it took now was patience. I took my place in an armchair in the Collegian Reporter room to work on homework with torn open box of Auntie Anne’s organic gummies sitting nearby. 

Mari Pizzini walked into the room, with her heavy pack full of what English literature had been assigned to her. We exchanged some pleasantries before I aggressively offered a fruit snack. Her eyes widened with the sudden change of tone in my voice and the yellow box being shaken at her. 

“Well, I just came for the appreciation notes, but I suppose if you are offering,” she said. Mari proceeded to joke if the snacks were poisoned while cautiously reaching towards the box.

“No, they’re not,” I said. When she had her hand fully in the box, I shook and squeezed it suddenly. Mari gasped loudly, jumping back slightly, followed by loud laughter from the two of us.

Joan Mansfield peered into the room with a confused look to see why there was so much noise. I quickly lifted the box and offered her a fruit snack while Mari was still giggling. Joan’s eyes darted between the two of us and cautiously took a packet from the box.

Joan turned to leave, stopping just in the doorway. “Oh, I really like your sign by the way. It made me laugh,” she said with her smile being covered up by her mask.

After both Joan and Mari left, the mission proved a lot more difficult than expect. I tried getting others to take a fruit snack, but they turned the offer down. The reason why so many turned down offers is due to the dislike of the texture of fruit snacks.

“I tend to not like fruit snacks because of how slimy they tend to be,” said Kiki Bennett. I could see that she instantly regretted taking a pack from me. Her mouth immediately twisted into disgusted grimace when she chewed on one of Auntie Anne’s organic gummies.

1 Comment

  1. fuglsang

    I didn’t think of them as high end, but I don’t eat a lot of fruit snacks (or fruit, for that matter).

    What does “aggressively” mean? Did you get right up in her face and say, “Take these or I might have to get rough with you”? You do mention tone of voice, but that may be the one time you “tell” without showing.

    Wht happened to the other two packs? Did Dave take one?

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