U.S. Embassy Attack on 9/11 Triggers Increased Security Worldwide

September 11th is already a day that no American can ever forget. Adding to the somber history of the day is yet another attack against America. The U.S. Embassy in Libya was attacked but Libyan protestors that had become angry over a documentary on YouTube. The video was attacking the Islamic religion. In this attack U.S. Ambassador to Libya and three staff members were killed. Read more here.

I think this article is big news for the United States. Once again on September 11th we are having to deal with an attack against us. Americans can feel the hate and it is a concern. People want to know where we stand with other countries and it is important for the news to tell them that. Without any news coverage of this attack nobody would know of it and therefor nothing could be done. It is a good article also because it is letting Americans know that there is an increase in security in all U.S. Embassies. When something like this happens people want to know what is being done as a result of the attack. This article explains the actions so far and tells that there is important discussion on how everything should be handled.

One thought on “U.S. Embassy Attack on 9/11 Triggers Increased Security Worldwide

  1. This is the news of the week, for a variety of reasons, Alexis. One thing I hope to see in the future is more discussion of the film and whether or not its producers bear any responsibility for the results.

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