Article 1 First Draft

Article 1 First Draft

Billy Mount

Biden’s Vaccine Mandate

            Biden’s Vaccine Mandate causes some concern for a majority of Independent and republican voters. The Convention of States Action and The Trafalgar Group conducted a survey of 1,000 potential 2022 voters on their thoughts regarding the executive order forcing businesses who employ 100 people or more to require their workers to get the Covid-19 vaccine.

            The survey revealed that, of Independent voters, 68.2% believe that the President does not have the authority to require a vaccine mandate, 21% believes that he does, and 10.9% are uncertain. Concerning the Republican voters, 83.5% say the President does not have the authority, 10.7% believe he does, and 5.8% are uncertain. Then, out of the democratic voters surveyed, 27% believe the President does not have the authority to require a vaccine in the private sector, 54.9% believes he does, and 18.1% are uncertain.

            In addition to polling constitutional authority, the sources polled the support for Governors who would challenge or oppose the mandate. 62.3% of Independent voters, 78.5% of Republican voters, and 29.8% of democratic voters polled support Governors opposition to the vaccine mandate. Either not in support or unsure about Governors opposing the vaacine mandate is 37.7% of Independents, 21.5% of Republicans, and 70.2% of Democrats.             The vaccine mandate is a part of a wider presidential plans that is supposed to help reduce Covid-19 in the U.S.

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