The Morningside Review, take 2! I am so excited to be publishing this magazine yet again! Morningside College has some of the best, most talented students I’ve ever met (I may be a little biased) and it’s such an honor to be editor-in-chief of a publication that displays that work.
This year’s publication process looked a little different. COVID-19 definitely created some issues with quarantine, cancellation of important events, and an unknown future. Despite all that, The Morningside Review received 100% more submissions this year than last year! That is definitely something to celebrate.
Additionally, I was able to serve as editor-in-chief two years running for this publication, plus Ally Hecht and I will always get to claim fame as the creators. That’s pretty cool, and that is absolutely a part of Morningside’s #ExpereinceMatters attitude.
I would like to thank Calissa Hanson for working behind the scenes as my Digital Editor this year. Honestly, she was a lifesaver when it came to uploading and formatting the pieces on our website. To Taylor Van Vliet, I would also like to say thank you for being my copy editor. You saved me hours of time. To Leslie Werden, I know this year has been a bit crazy but hey, we did it! Thank you for supporting me throughout the last year from creation to second publication. To John Reynders and Morningside College, thank you for believing in my ideas and letting me leave an impression here at Morningside, even though it will never compare to the impression Morningside has left on me.
To future student writers, your work matters. Remember that the research you do will always be of value, and for those of you who have been published, congratulations and may you continue to look for the answers to life’s questions.
And as I’d like this magazine to forever be remembered: The Morningside Review is for all of us.