“Zombie Ice” Raising Global Sea Levels, #1 Final

A new study in the journal Nature Climate Change warns that huge floating blocks of ice will inevitably melt. These sheets called “zombie ice,” found largely off the coast of Greenland, possess the potential to raise sea levels by as much as 10.6 inches by the end of this century.

But what is zombie ice?. “Zombie ice” refers to ice that is still attached to thicker glaciers, but is no longer receiving the snow it needs to replenish itself. Because it’s not getting the insulation of snow to protect or preserve it, the ice will inevitably “die” but that is a fancy term for melt. Hence, the name zombie ice. 

You’re probably wondering why zombie ice is worth worrying about: well, in short, it could overwhelm the world. According to new research, the melting ice sheets near Greenland are likely to raise global sea levels by more than 10 inches. That statistic is confirmed, it is locked in. But here’s the kicker: the worst-case scenario projects a global sea level rise of up to 30 inches.

This is significantly more than previous predictions saw coming. The 10 inches is about double the amount that the most recent Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change warned of when it projected between 2 to 5 inches of sea levels rising by 2100 due to the melting ice near Greenland. The projected 10-inch lift would push the baseline for ocean levels to the height typically achieved during high tides and storms. Basically, we’ll be sitting at the levels that normally lead to inland flooding — and we’ll be staring down more extreme weather and storms, likely to generate even more destruction to coastlines because of it.

The reason for this dramatic increase in the projected water levels rising is a new understanding of just how much ice is going to be lost in the coming years. The study found that about 3.3% of Greenland’s total ice volume is going to melt no matter what we do to cut back on our carbon emissions. That loss is locked in, meaning about 120 trillion tons of ice is doomed to disappear in the coming years.

The result of all the melted ice means a 10-inch water level rise by 2100, and that’s basically the best-case scenario. If humans fail to cut down on our carbon emissions, we could see three times that amount of rising sea levels. 




Jim Wensen’s Daughter Arrested for Drunk Driving

22 year old Cathy Wensen, daughter of Jim Wensen, arrested yesterday for driving under the invluence.

Cathy goes to Vanderbilt University and was this year’s homecoming queen. She also participates in cheerleading and is a straight-A student. Now this is the third time she’s been arrested in the last six months.

Major Curriculum Changes at BSU

A recent study showed that only 15% of students took a foreign language class and only 20% took a math course while attending BSU.

David French, the president at BSU, has announced new graduation requirements. Students entering in the Fall of 2023, must take 1 math, computer science, and foreign language course.

5 Dead in Plane Crash

A TWA jet crashed during takeoff at Kennedy National Airport with 45 passengers and crew members. 5 were found dead, but luckily the other 40 were alright.

2 of the survivors are both professors from Backwater State University. Sociology Professor John Dumont and English Professor George Johnson were returning Thursday night from separate conferences.

Radar Gun Ban For Potential Cause of Cancer.

There have been rising concerns for troopers that longterm exposure to the radiation may have links to cancer. East Dakota Highway Patrol ordered a ban for hand-held radar guns.

The ban put 70 hand-held radar guns to be withdrawn from service in the Sioux City area as of yesterday.

Adam Smith, the spokesman, said, “The feeling here is to err on the side of caution until we know more about the issue. The situation is under control.”

News Comment #2


Death Valley is known as the hottest place on Earth, and this September, it shows. On September 12th, 2023, the desert valley in Eastern California reached temperatures of 127 degrees Fahrenheit. This would mark the hottest September we’ve ever had.

Death Valley is not a stranger to hot temperatures. The hottest recorded temperature there was 134 degrees Fahrenheit. But this is just the air temp. The ground got to be 201 degrees Fahrenheit during this September.

Now the entire state of California is suffering in the heat. It’s gotten so bad that Governer Gavin Newsom declared a state of emergency. More than 50 million people across the West Coast are under a heat advisory.

News Comment #1

Scientists think they can “Jurassic Park” the Dodo. If you live under a rock and have not seen Jurassic Park, this means that scientists are trying to bring Dodos back to life. Colossal Biosciences, a biotechnology and genetic engineering company, are working to resurrect the Dodo.

Although Dodos could come back, they won’t be the same. If dodos are to come back, then these scientists would use modern bird DNA to make a different kind of flightless bird.

There is also talk about bringing back the Woolly Mammoth. However, they are not bringing back the woolly mammoth yet. The idea was that scientists are going to put woolly mammoth DNA with elephant DNA to help elephants survive the cold weather. This is a similar thing to the dodo. Scientists won’t create an exact dodo, but they will be close.

Story about classmate-Caleb Watson

Let me tell you about Caleb Watson. He is a marketing major from Indianola, Iowa. He is a senior this year at Morningside. His hobbies include sports, wrestling, and a pet lizard named Fedor. Caleb’s favorite class was Abnormal Psychology. He once said, “There ain’t nothing between us but air and opportunity, and I just took the air.” I think that is pretty inspirational.

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