Sounds of Morningside

Silence at the Front Desk

I work the front desk at the Plex and when you are alone by yourself, it will go from a loud environment to a silent one. I captured the moment after a band of misfits celebrated a birthday party and cleaned up the mess. Dead silence, great for homework.

Plex Washing and Kitchen

Any resident can probably hear the constant noise in your ears after waiting for one of these bad boys.

“I was kinda cookin’ up there!” – Isaac Fiedler

My guy Isaac had his half recital this last weekend. We met in Wind Ensemle when we were both freshman and have been friends since. He is a sophomore music education major that needed to perform before his full recital. He is unsure of the date just yet but I guarantee It’ll be great to see.

1 Comment so far

  1.   fuglsang on April 5th, 2024

    Much better on captions, Thomas.

    Maybe I’m weird, but I like listening to washers and dryers. They often have their own unique rythms that gets me moving along with the wash and dry cycles.

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