Mega City Mall Explosion Story
This morning the Mega City Mall has sustained heavy damage due to an explosion within the food court. The explosion took place at 8:50 am shortly after the mall had opened. There have been two found dead and less than one hundred injuries according to Sgt. Fuglsang of the MCPD. He stated “The Explosion just happened and we have no credible evidence at this time, leading us to believe that this was just an accident.” The malls officials have sent condolences to the families affected also releasing their official statement.
“MC Mall cares about the safety of employees and patrons. Because the mall is closed temporarily, shoppers can avail themselves checking our electronic resources and websites for anything they may have hoped to purchase. We will assist in any way possible. Our thoughts and prayers are sent to the families affected by this incident.” – MC Mall Officials.
Much of the mall’s employees have also been affected. One such individual is Caleb Wattingson, a National Guard Recruiter, that was just making his rounds to find volunteers. Caleb said “I think it was a terrorist attack, I just hope the pull up bar is okay.”
As you can see, this incident has affected many people. Still unaware of what caused it, we hope this never happens again.