News Critiques

Number ONE


I love reading E News and commenting on the articles that are written. The fashion always sticks out to me, especially because critics are SO picky about what celebrities are wearing and are so judgmental. Just because they are celebrities does not mean they have to dress in high fashion 24/7!

I am a big fan of Gwyneth Paltrow and think she is gorgeous, with or without makeup. When I saw this article I wasn’t shocked because I see journalists talk about celebrities attire all of the time, but the thing that stuck out to me was the fact that they had a poll at the bottom of the article. They asked readers to “weigh in below” and say if they like her public appearance or if she should have dressed up a little more. Underneath the article it has a link to another site where you can rate a number of celebrities. Their pictures are shown; one of them with makeup and one without. Although I know this is typical for celebrity news reviews and articles, I just do not think it is appropriate.