Media Comparison:

Noah Aniser




The story is about the lethal protests in Nigeria. Since a few weeks, people in Nigeria are going into the streets to fight for new reforms regarding unemployment, income and police brutality. 

Both articles use pretty much the same phrases. It’s almost word for word but even though they use pretty much the same words, they still differ in several aspects. 

First of all, they use a different headline. For the written article it is,” Several Deaths after Protests in Nigeria” and for the audio it is “Nigeria: Deaths after Protests Criticizing the Government”

They basically say the same thing, but they are still different. At least the sentence structure. Another difference is the header. The text version of the story has a header before the header. It seems like a subtitle which already includes the most important information of the article. After reading the subtitle, I already know the most important news and don’t have to read until the end of the story. The audio version starts with a header but has no such thing as a subtitle. 

The last major difference is, that the written version of the story uses a new title in the middle of the article. By reading the article while listening to it simultaneously, showed me that written article uses another title to give the reader a new reason to continue with the story. It almost seems like it is divided into two articles.