A Doctor Asks: Is Covid Scaring Us Away From Our Humanity?

New York Times: https://www.nytimes.com/2020/08/28/world/australia/melbourne-covid-doctor.html

The article is about a medical worker who expresses his fears about the effects that Covid-19 may has. Of course, there are the fears of people dying, especially elderly people but he is even more concerned about the fact that we lose what it means to be human. The author starts the article by explaining the current Corona situation in Australia. As in most parts of the world, the second wave of infections is increasing but at least the medical stuff could use the calmer times to restock on medical equipment and stuff. People know now that there is a very high chance that they will catch it at some point, but at least they know that they will probably be better in no time. As of now the uncertainty which caused a lot of fear is gone. After describing the current situation and the hope for the future, the author comes up with an interesting question. “Are we allowing this virus-which is the antithesis of humanity- to win anyway?”

To Dr. Lokuge, the biggest threat is that we slowly lose the ability to be and know what it means to be human. 

The virus took away touch and hugs but also gatherings and even the smile with mandatory masks almost everywhere. Dr. Lokuge even describes the feeling of losing a patient unexpectedly and not being able to express any emotions because of contact restrictions. 

The author mentions an even harder situation afterwards. People in nursing homes haven’t seen their families in months, some people even say goodbye through video chat which is just far from being human. 

After that the doctor shares a personal issue that he is facing at the moment. His father is part of the risk group because of his age and several other stuff which means he isn’t supposed to see him at all, but he insists to stay in contact. He says: If hugs are numbered why wouldn’t you want as many as possible. 

Humans need contact and if people gather at park, it is not always because they are selfish, is because they are human. 

I personally think that the article is really interesting and well written. The structure makes definitely sense and the topic is highly relevant. There are a lot of discussions about the selfishness of especially young people who gather in a park or somewhere else, but he says that things like that is just human. I think it is definitely news worthy because it relates to all of us. Everybody is facing covid and we are all missing important parts of being human like hugs and touches. 

The author is in my eyes not really objective, because he shares a clear opinion and clear statements towards one direction.

I also think that the headline is chosen very well because it attracts the audience right away. If a doctor says something, people are usually listening. 

Over all, I think the article is really good and should be read by a lot of people.