Dancing Through Life

a bit of randomness…

The Day We All Look the Same

Filed under: Uncategorized — Nancy at 2:54 pm on Thursday, September 20, 2012

It’s coming closer than you think. An article posted on Yahoo.com explains why this is soon to happen. It first describes an experiment and study that was done on people in a certain party of Kentucky that has been inbreeding since the 1800s. Because of the mixing of genes that were so similar it caused their blood to turn to the color brown instead of red which gave them a blue tint. Scientists believe that because of the melting pot the world is becoming, one day we are all going to look very similar. Recessive genes such as blue eyes and blonde and red hair are disappearing and that some day we will all end up looking like Brazillians.

This is kind of an unconventional “news” article. It is very informational and such an interesting topic, but it is not event news. Nothing happened to report on, just research that is very interesting and very entertaining. It sure got my attention. I mean the fact that we might all look the same someday is pretty strange. Plus I have blonde hair and blue eyes, so I wanted to know if there was anyway I could keep those traits around. As far as proximity and timeliness, I believe that there really was none, unless people already started looking the same, then the warning would be too late. Overall it was a super interesting article!

Click here for the article!

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