Could you spare some pocket lint?

Have you ever had to walk up to a stranger and ask an extremely awkward question? These situations certainly bring out some interesting facial expressions in folks.

When I asked Anthony Henriks if he has pocket lint on him, he stared at me for a second, raised one eyebrow, and comically asked, “What the hell for?”

“Don’t worry, it’s just for a class. I’m not that socially awkward,” I explained. “Our journalism class is doing a scavenger hunt and I was the one stuck with finding pocket lint.”

Henriks, a Morningside senior and Vice President of the Morningside Activities Council, dug into his pockets. He pulled out his cellphone, keys, and student ID, and laid them on the table next to his laptop. “You’re in luck,” he said as he placed a small ball of lint on the table. He continued his digging, and pulled out several more strands.

What started out as an awkward conversation starter transitioned into a productive activity. “Man, I should really do this more often.”

Reaching out to complete strangers may not be the most comfortable thing to do, but if you’re lucky, they’ll appreciate the conversation when you’re through. However, as I stare at this clump of lint sitting on my desk, I’m not convinced that “appreciation” is the proper word.

One Response to “Could you spare some pocket lint?”

  1.   fuglsang Says:

    Yes, Nick, that was my goal. For you to assist someone in cleaning out their pockets. Was Anthony your first attempt? Other looks?