Facebook is more important than showering?

News comment (For September 15)

Would you give up the chance to shower if it meant keeping your Facebook? How about fresh fruit and vegetables? Well according to a study by the London Science Museum, more Britons would give up these things, and even flush-able toilets, if it became necessary to keep their Facebook accounts.

This study surveyed 3000 people and brought about the conclusion that people have an extreme obsession with technology. Behind sunshine, the internet came in as the second most vital thing to the lives of the British. The internet even came in ahead of fresh drinking water.

This survey was conducted in Britain and doesn’t take into account any American perspective, but here is some for you. Collectively, Americans spend over 53 billion minutes online each month, so it would certainly be interesting to see a study like that conducted here.

If you would like to read the entire article, it can be found here. What do you think about this survey? Would you rather give up basic amenities to keep the internet and Facebook? Where would you draw the line on this “reliance on Facebook” issue?

One Response to “Facebook is more important than showering?”

  1.   fuglsang Says:

    What an indictment of modern society! I’m curious, though, why they used a British survey. Because a survey of Americans would have been more embarrassing? Because making fun of Brits is OK, but not Americans?
    Now I’m curious.
    Good story, Nick.