Shameless Self-Promotion

Two down, many more to go. My radio show “On the Brinck” has gotten off to a great start this semester! I know you’re dying to get a taste of what exactly my show is like, so I’ve come prepared. This will give you a pretty good idea.

“On The Brinck” promo

Coming up this Monday, September 12, I’ll have a very special guest joining me on the show.

Night Ranger’s guitarist Joel Hoekstra

Joel Hoekstra is calling in, and I’ll chat with him about Night Ranger, the Broadway musical Rock of Ages, and Trans Siberian Orchestra, among other things.

Feel free to tune in, and who knows, you might walk away a fan of a “new” kind of music. It’s hard for something to be new when it’s over 20 years old, but that happened to me a few years ago. Now it’s your turn!



2 Responses to “Shameless Self-Promotion”

  1.   RICH Says:

    ALWAYS the man with the entertainment TALENT/and GOOD FRIEND/NICK is very cool!!!

  2.   Joshua Says:

    Your blog kicks the shit out of my blog…adding audio that unfair : )