Hickman Johnson Furrow Learning Center

Whether you’re studying human anatomy notes, filling out a study guide, or enjoying an ice cold smoothie at the Spoonholder, you know the HJF Learning Center is a very popular meeting place for students and faculty here on campus. The sounds of air conditioner hum and blender regurgitation surround me as I click away on my keyboard. Students fumble through newspapers, snack on bags of Cheetos, and type on their Macbooks, as I sit here observing my surroundings.

This is September 2011. What many students don’t realize is that about sixty years ago, this would have been a completely different situation. Books have replaced basketballs, bleachers have been switched out for books, and carpet has taken the place of hardwood floors. Before being transformed into a library, this building was the gymnasium on campus. If you stand on second floor and look up, you can almost envision students running laps on the old track that still is suspended over second floor.

Rather than sinking a buzzer beating shot, I click submit on this story. Library patrons will soon be exposed to one extra sound, footsteps, as I leave the Hickman Johnson Furrow Learning Center.


One Response to “Hickman Johnson Furrow Learning Center”

  1.   ross fuglsang Says:

    Regurgitation. Good choice.
    Keep working on the sensory part, Nick. Coffee smell. Drone of intelligent discussion.
    Lots of potential here, though, for the historical.