“Coolest” Assignment Ever

I might as well call it the coldest assignment ever. I can honestly say I’ve never eaten my assignment, but when the assignment calls for eating ice cream, I’m all over that. I was a bit surprised when I was handed a small cup of vanilla ice cream traced with chocolate, but I was more disappointed when I noticed vanilla with strawberry streaks was one of the options. Never fear, however, I traded and picked up the “good” stuff. And good it was! I ripped the lid off like a child on Christmas morning and began devouring the very deliciousness I thought would be replaced by it’s chocolate cousin. I like chocolate as much as the next person, but strawberry is more my cup of tea, or ice cream in this situation.

This wasn’t the coldest ice cream I’ve ever eaten, and it wasn’t quite soft serve, but it had a nice mix of what I look for in ice cream. The top was easy to penetrate as it wasn’t iced over and that meant it disappeared a little too quickly, but my stomach wasn’t disappointed by that.After working at A&W all summer and having a nearly endless supply of ice cream, it was nice to feel as if I’m standing in a 95 degree kitchen enjoying a frozen treat.

Who am I kidding? I don’t miss that one bit. Well, the ice cream maybe, but not the 95 degree grease pit.

Every time I eat ice cream or drink a cold glass of water, there’s a song that always comes to mind – Foreigner’s “Cold As Ice.” Today, this class could be called cold as ice, and that is definitely a good thing.



One Response to ““Coolest” Assignment Ever”

  1.   ross fuglsang Says:

    Foreigner? Really? You’re a man out of time, Nick. A good simile. The second paragraph brings in some good elements.