The Falling Man: 10 Years Later

For anyone old enough to remember what happened on September 11, 2001, you remember exactly where you were on that morning. Richard Drew is no different. However, he’s been forever linked to the terrorist attacks on that Tuesday morning through his work of photography. As smoke billowed from the twin towers, he began shooting photos of the situation. Drew noticed objects falling from the top of the building only to realize these objects were people. His most famous photograph that day has become known as the “Falling Man.”

As the tenth anniversary of 9/11 draws nearer, the story I found for this week is one that retraces the steps of this photographer on the morning of the single most deadly terrorist attack on American soil. You can read the entire article, and view the picture that put Drew in the nation’s spotlight, here.

I wouldn’t necessarily classify this story about Richard Drew “news” per say, but the circumstances surrounding him and the photograph that has become synonymous with the tragedy ten years ago makes this story extremely worthwhile.

One Response to “The Falling Man: 10 Years Later”

  1.   ross fuglsang Says:

    You should have had a discussion of this in your Intro text. What do you think of the photo? I’m curious if you think it should have been published. You might offer some summary of what Drew has been up to, and how that photo changed his life.