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The Arts

Filed under: Uncategorized — Morgan at 3:27 am on Monday, October 31, 2011

This week’s reading was about the arts in schools and how the funding is being cut in order to help the sciences and math. Music education is very important in children and I disagree with cutting funding. Science and math are very important in education, but they don’t allow for very much creativity. It’s always facts, or what is right and wrong. Music education, and the arts in general, allow students to express themselves in a different way and be creative however they want to. It’s one way they can think for themselves and not be told how things should be and how things are.

If the arts are lost in the schools, how do we expect the young kids of our world to express themselves, and learn how to be independent and unique. Art and music are the one things in school that allow for this. I think everyone should be required to take art and music all through elementary, like they are, and also have some requirement for it in junior high and school. It doesn’t have to be much, but this part of education really helps strengthen the school and the students within it.

1 Comment



October 31, 2011 @ 10:13 pm

Do you agree that the better the art program the better the school?

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