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Occupy Wall Street

Filed under: Uncategorized — Morgan at 3:04 am on Monday, November 14, 2011

The two articles that we read talk about the Occupy Wall Street movement and what is going on with that. The first one talks about how it is not only going on in the United States, but it is going on all over the world. It is much bigger than us. The second article talks about personal stories of people who are involved in the movement and why they are there. Some of the stories are similar but some are very different. One common thing for all of them is that they don’t want to leave until a change is made, they all want their opinion to be heard.

Honestly, I haven’t really stayed up to date on the whole Occupy deal, so I didn’t really know how big it was. I think it’s crazy how big of a deal this is and what it has become. It has kind of opened my eyes to what this whole thing is about and how strongly people feel about it. This is a big problem, much bigger than just us and it is affecting so many people. It is asking for a change and it will not end until things do change.