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Hitchhikers and Urban Legends

Filed under: Uncategorized — Morgan at 8:12 pm on Sunday, October 23, 2011

Until reading about the urban legends and listening to the clip about hitchhikers, I guess I never really thought about either of them. When I hear stories and haunting stories I guess I get freaked out a little too easily and never think about the logic of them. They aren’t always true or exactly accurate. It’s ideas of what could happen, or things that happened but in a different way. Sometimes it’s more about the meaning of the legend than what really happens.

I never really thought about hitchhikers and how they aren’t really around anymore. When I was growing up I never really saw them, so those few times that I have seem strange. I never considered that it used to be more common. Honestly, the whole idea of hitchhiking kind of freaks me out anyways. Like one of the ladies in the clip says, you’re basically handing your life over to that person. So, what’s the point? We’re taught at a very young age not to talk to strangers, much less get in a vehicle with them. So, I guess it doesn’t surprise me that there’s not a lot of hitchhikers. Honestly, people are crazy and there’s always  a chance of getting in a car with a crazy person. I will be one of the first to say there is no way I would ever be caught hitchhiking and putting my life in strangers hands.



   Jaimie Fast

October 23, 2011 @ 8:20 pm

Do you think it’s good how much our society emphasizes that you should fear strangers?



October 23, 2011 @ 10:01 pm

Does listening to these stories ever make you feel more reserved about people you don’t know? Does it make it harder to trust people?



October 25, 2011 @ 5:32 am

Do you think if we lived in bigger cities we would feel differently about hitchhiking? How do you think growing up in rural Iowa could have make a difference on these views?

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