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Hunting Hidden Dimensions

Filed under: Uncategorized — Morgan at 3:20 am on Monday, September 26, 2011

Math really isn’t my subject or my strong point. It’s not even really in my interest field normally, but I found this kind of interesting at times. It’s funny how new things are constantly being discovered in math and science and we never know everything. I guess that’s why it just doesn’t interest me. I never really thought about how math is in nature and other things than just the classroom, but it really is everywhere. The idea of fractal geometry is kind of interesting.

One thing I thought was interesting was the potential use for medicine that fractals could have.  Eventually, the use of this mathematical system could help detect cancer earlier and help to save lives. It can do this by finding blood vessels that don’t match the other ones and don’t follow the fractals. It’s amazing the things that fractals can help with and do for our world now. It’s kind of eye-opening how much math can do for us when you really think about it. This video helped me to see this.

1 Comment



September 26, 2011 @ 8:43 pm

I agree with you. I thought it was really cool that they were able and still may have new discoveries in medicine because of the fractal.

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