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“Liking What You See”

Filed under: Uncategorized — Morgan at 6:15 pm on Sunday, September 4, 2011

The article, Liking What You See, discusses the controversial issue of the importance of beauty in our society. This is discussed through the use of Calliagnosis and many different people’s views on the subject. Calli is a device that can be turned off when one turns eighteen, but until then it blocks a person’s view of ugly features and beautiful features in another person. This device is very futuristic and tries to convey the issue of beauty in society and how judgemental people are. It challenges ethical views and challenges beliefs because it does not allow people to see true beauty. Calli makes everyone look uniform and takes away the unique features that separate one person from another. Through out the article, groups for and against Calli exaggerate their sides in order to get their way with the device.

To me, Calli seems like a way to avoid the truth and make everyone the “same.” Part of life is being different and unique while still being accepted in society. The little imperfections that each and every person has makes them different in their own beautiful way. Life is not all about how people look and that seems like the basis of some people’s thoughts. If that is all people look at or think about then there are a lot more issues than the judgement of physical features. Calli distorts what a person can see on another person. It’s part of life to see the people the way they are and accept them for that. With Calli people get the wrong idea and don’t know the truth. Tamera’s view says that Calli makes everything fair, but even if we had Calli in society today, people would still find something else to judge others about. It’s the way people are.

This article was very interesting to me and made me think a lot. Beauty seems to be such a big issue in our world today. But why? It’s not just about how someone looks and that seems to be what people focus on. What matters is on the inside and you have to get to know a person before you can judge those features. In order to appreciate someone’s real beauty, you have to be able to see them, and see them in their everyday, normal state. With Calli, that normal state is hidden by trying to take away true beauty. Beauty does not make someone better than anyone else, it is just simply the way they look.

1 Comment


   Christian Hohl

September 6, 2011 @ 4:49 am

I think that you made some good points as well. I agree with the statement, “What matters is on the inside and you have to get to know a person before you can judge those features.” I sometimes catch myself judging people based on their appearances rather than getting to know them first. Just out of curiosity, but would you ever try Calli?

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