Tatum Gray revised

On Friday nights when he was younger, Tatum Gray would go with his parents to Friday Night Sand Beer League, a volleyball tournament. This began his love for the sport.

He started watching volleyball games, especially during the Olympics. When he had enough money, he got to purchase his first volleyball. Gray would practice by himself; hitting the ball against the garage. All his practice and hard work paid off. He got so good that he joined a club. Now he plays competitively.

Tatum Gray is a long way from home. Travelling all the way from Granbury, Texas, Gray decided to go to Morningside College. His athleticism has him playing for the volleyball team. He is planning on studying Advertising.

Gray travelled most of the states in the south but never ventured North. He appreciates the environment as he said, “I enjoy it here” and calls it “very pretty and green”.

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